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IELTS 보안 규정 강화


IELTS 보안 규정 강화


시계모든 종류의 시계 (아날로그 시계 포함시험장 반입이 불가능 하십니다모든 시계는 반드시 가방에 넣으신  짐방에 맡기시고 고사실에 입실 하시기 바랍니다. 


핸드폰핸드폰은 반드시 전원을 끄시고 가방에 넣으신  짐방에 맡겨주시길 바랍니다녹음   블루투스 (BLUE TOOTH) 연결로 인한 모든 부정행위를 금하기 위함이므로 응시자 여러분들의 협조 바랍니다.


안경응시자분들의 안경 검사가 강화될 예정입니다. Google Glass  인터넷 (IT)  안경이 출시됨에 따라 신분 사진 촬영 및 입실  안경 검사가 강화  예정이오니 응시자 여러분들의 많은 협조 바랍니다.






All watches are now banned from the test rooms for all test components
Due to the increasing variety and accessibility of internet-enabled watches available for purchaseall watches irrespective of their style and age will be banned from the test room. It is not just a ban on digital watches. Candidates are required to leave their watches with their belongings in the secure baggage area. 


Mobile Phones
Mobile phones must be switched off when left in the secure baggage area. This is not just to prevent the recording of the Listening or Speaking test (if the phone is left on and the baggage area is near the test rooms), but also to mitigate against the threat of the mobile phone being used as a blue-tooth receiver (connecting to an ear-bud being worn by the candidate.)  


 Many of you will be aware of the Google Glass product now available. These are not the only model of internet capable eye-glasses on the market
, so that glasses with thick frames will be checked by staff before candidates begin the test to ensure the glasses are not internet enabled.

